As well as the ever changing displays at the center of the Floral Dome, you'll also find a permanent collection of plants and displays around the edge of the Dome. Here's what you can expect to see inside the Show Dome. Note: The Floral Dome is closed during show transitions.

Permanent Collection
Around the outer edge of the Floral Show Dome you'll find a collection of colorful and fragrant plants, including a Jaboticaba tree, geraniums, grape vines, fig trees, olive trees and a pomegranate tree.

The Original Gates
The first Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory, inspired by Crystal Palace in London, England, was constructed in 1898 by Milwaukee architect Henry C. Koch. Koch also designed other Milwaukee landmarks including Milwaukee City Hall, Turner Hall, Pfister and 700 other buildings during his career.
Cyril Colnik, a blacksmith and ironworker, created elegant gates for the conservatory entryway, and when the building was razed in 1955 the original gates were saved for display in the Floral Show Dome.

LED Light Shows
The interior of the Show Dome is covered with hundreds of LED lights, which can be programed to create spectacular light shows, set to music including The Beatles' "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" and Stravinsky's Firebird Suite.